For the past 25 years i have watched and seen how an industrialized nation thrives and grows on this planet and on the same token i have seen the deteriolation of the so called third world countries as they try hard to compete within this huge and complicated social,economic and political world of today.
Industrialized countries have structure and a common goal to better themselves within the social,economic and political triangle.They mesh them together towards a common goal,even though this same goal contains many differences of opinion on how to achieve the end product.
On the other hand i find,third world countries especially those of Africa,to have no commonality even though they have it on paper.They,in my opinion seem to be more in common in the achievement of individual or should i say,the gain in personal material wealth.The aid that is granted to these nations by industrialized nations,is squandared by individuals in power and does not filtrate to those it was intended for.As the rich get wealthier and hold most of the land as their own ( note they do not even cultivate the land to better the masses within their nation but use it for exports in order to gain better profits ) the poor get even more improvished and depend on relief from non-profits from these same industrialized nations.With some of the vast resources available in these lands,it is a pity that those in power do not use the land to better their own people,it is a pity that these same men scream foreign interference when their people are dying of hunger,blameing their internal problems on all kinds of made up nonsense,while all along they have had the resources to make sure that they do have a surplus in food etc. when a natural catsrophy occurs.These same men ar not stupid but on the most part educated but driven by selfish greed and superficial status granduer.They promise alot but give nothing back.continue reading
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